Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Did Employees and Officers of Canada Revenue loot funds that should have been paid to the Canadian government for taxes owing?

Some people think Josef Rudolf deserved what he got from Canada Revenue Agency because he didn't pay his income taxes.

Other people think that the post war Canadian income tax system is part of a grand scheme of international larceny set up, illegally and unconstitutionally in Canada, to support the International Monetary Fund and other international bankers with their schemes of world domination that have bankrupted several countries, nearly bankrupted Canada and are on the verge of bankrupting the United States of America.  

That debate is not what this blog is about.

This blog is about injustice, the role of Freemasons in Canada's courts and the failure and refusal of employees, officers and agents of Canada Revenue Agency to account for the money they received when they allegedly sold the property they seized from Josef Rudolf to satisfy the debts he allegedly owed to Her Majesty the Queen in right of Canada for arrears of income taxes.

For several months, Josef Rudolf has been requesting the documentation, including accounting records and banking records that will show that the proceeds of the alleged sale of property held by him and seized by Canada Revenue Agency were properly credited to his alleged debt owing and deposited to a proper bank account owned and controlled by the Government of Canada but Canada Revenue Agency will not and has not produced those records and their persistent failure to do so raises the prima facie inference that the funds have been looted and mis-appropriated by officers, employees and agents of the Canada Revenue Agency.

And if they did that to money received from the sale of assets held by Joself Rudolf how much other money have they looted from other Canadians?

The issue is extremely serious and it involves the whole structure of the legal administration of the Canadian Department of Justice, in Vancouver, Canada, where a group of employees are alleged to be members of a criminal organization carrying out operations under the guise of and utilizing the secret codes, handshakes and signals of Freemasonry

This is not an anti-Freemasonry blog and it is is hoped this blog will encourage right thinking British Columbian Freemasons and other Canadian Freemason organizations to update their rules and regulations so that Freemasons are free to report the corrupt actions of their brothers and sisters who are members of the judiciary and legal profession and who commit sedition and treason when they violate their Oaths of Office, as officers of the court, and their Oaths of Allegiance to the Queen, the Canadian Head of State, as they do every time they fix law cases to benefit brother and sister Freemasons.

These suggested reforms to the Oaths of secrecy and mutual assistance of Freemasonry are long overdue.  The Oaths of Freemasonry had a justifiable purpose when the Church and the Crown were a menace to society but, to paraphrase former Canadina Prime Minister, Pierre Trudeau, "The Church and Crown are not the menace they used to be",  in a modern functioning  democracy, like Canada, and Freemasonry is itself in danger of being declared an organized criminal gang that is not much different than Hell's Angels if Freemasons do not act soon to clean up the corruption in their ranks .

A key player in this dirty business is a lawyer named Jason Lavine works for the Department of Justice and who refused to disclose whether or not he was a Freemason when asked by an investigative journalist.

Jason Lavine showed up as legal counsel in 2010 and 211 to cover up for Provincial Court Judge Paul Meyers and former Canada revenue Agency Chief Collections Officer Richard Onley both of whom are accused of being Freemasons and both of whom refused to answer questions about whether or not they are Freemasons.  So, it is safe to assume both are Freemasons.  Both  Meyers and Olney were accused of fixing a trial and illegally putting Eva Sydel in jail for 12 months and if the case against them is proved they are facing 14 years in jail, possibly more, because it is a far more serious offence for a judge to wrongfully convict someone than for someone not to pay income tax. 

Levine may go to jail with them.  

Click here to read more about the case of Eva Sydel 

Recent investigations have revealed that Jason Levine is the son of two judges in Vancouver, namely, Justice Risa Levine, formerly of the Court of Appeal for British Columbia, and Justice Miriam Gropper, of the Supreme Court of British Columbia.

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